Serving the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The Kateri Institute for Catholic Studies offers a home for faculty, staff, and students at the University of Michigan to integrate their studies with the Catholic intellectual tradition.Â

Lectures and Seminars
Lecture and seminar series for U-M faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and the local community. Registration is required for dinner seminars; lectures are open to all.

Cinema Sanctus
Cinema Sanctus is a monthly film series co-sponsored by Catholic Student Evangelization focusing on high quality movies that have some sort of Christian interest.

Transcendence is a literary magazine of that meditates on how artistic expressions of the transcendentals -- Truth, Beauty, and Goodness -- bring us closer to God.
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"The duty of an academic institution is in a certain sense: to give birth to souls for the sake of knowledge and wisdom, to shape minds and hearts."